

The reason behind the war.

Quraish people of Macca had started a fight against the Prophet when he was spreading Islam in Macca. They even planned to kill the prophet(PBUH) but Allah saved His holy Prophet. Finally, Prophet migrated to Madina and his fellow Muslims also left Mecca, leaving behind their land, houses, and property. However, there was always a threat that Quraish will attack Medina to fight against Muslims. Quraish business, caravans used to go to Syria through the road near Medina. A very big business caravan had gone to Syria under the leadership of Abu Sufiyan. Some rumour mongers spread rumours in Mecca that Muslims were planning to attack or loot any caravan. Consequently, Meccan Quraish immediately prepared a big force and sent it towards Medina to fight with Muslims. When prophet SAW came to know about this he called a meeting of Muhajir Muslim and Ansars. The Muhajir leaders assured him of all-out support. Ansar leader also stood up and said 'O Messenger of Allah, we will obey you even through you command us to jump into the sea. A smile lit up the face of the Holy Prophet, as he based the reply. It was decided that the Muslim should march immediately to check the advance of the enemy.

This was the month of Ramadan, 2 A.H., and the Holy Prophet marched out o medina as the head of an army of 313 Muslims, including two young lads. There where only few horses and the Muslims did not have good armours. The Meccans on the other hand, were 1000 strong. They were well armed and had 300 horses and 100 camels. The two armies stood face to face at Badar, a village eighty miles from Madina. They rested in their camps for the night.

All night the Holy prophet had not a wink of sleep. He stood before the Lord, weeping and praying for Muslims victory. "Lord ", He exclimed, "Quraish are bent on giving harm to Thy Prophet. Lord! make good Thy promise of help. If this handful of muslims perishes today, who will worship afterward"?

Early next morning, Friday, the 17th of Ramdan, two armies were ready to strike. The Holy Prophet himself arranged the lines. Then he went to the little but of green branches prepared by him. Here he fell on his knees in prayer, begging Allah to help the Muslims.

The battles began with single combats. The big Quraish leaders, Utbaa, came out. He was accomplanied by his brother Shaibah and his son Walid. Then Ansar came out to fight them. 


At this Hamza, Ali and Ubaida came out to give fight. Hamza killed Utba, Ali Killed Walid but Ubaida was wounded by Sahibah. There upon Ali and Hamza rushed on Sahibah and Killed him. Ubaida was carried back to the Muslim camp. He died at the Master's feet with a smile on his face.


Generally fighting now began. The Meccans were three times the Muslims in number. They were cald in steel. But a strong spirit fired Muslims. Many of them saly their own kinsmen under their swords. But nothing could stop their hands.
The Master was lost in fervent prayers. The hard pressed companions rushed to him for his inspriration, but found him conversing with his Lord. His forehead was on the ground and he repeate again and again "Lord fulfil Thy promise. If this handful of Muslims perishes today, there will be none left to worship Thee." At last, Angel Jibreil brought the good news of Victory. The Holy Prophet came out of the hut and broke the happy news to the companions.


Abu Jahal, commander of Meccan army, was the enemy of Islam. Each Muslim wanted to have the honour of killing the wertch. The two Ansari lads came to Abdur Rahman bin Auf asked him, "Uncle, which is Abu Jahal"? He pointed to where the proud Meccan chief stood directing the fight. The next moment, the two lads fell upon the wretch like hungry eagles.They pulled him to the ground and cut off his head. Many more Mccan chief were likewise killed. The Meccan army lost heart and fled.

The muslim's victory was completed.
