first night in grave. journey of a believer soul.



As we all know we will die sooner or later so, the question is, are we preparing for our grave? or just running blindly towards this world? 
The person who goes down into their grave after the soul has gone, Imagine what will be their condition. We believe that the grave being made narrow how is it going to be made narrow Allah knows it, but we believe it's going to happen because the prophet(SAW) makes explained it to us that tightening of the narrowing of the grave, then what will happen? and how they will be questioned in that grave. The angels will come and they will seat the individual and ask the questions, and the questions are asked by the angels WHO IS YOUR RAAB? WHO IS YOUR NABI? WHAT IS YOUR DEEN?  if you are following  Deen of your Rab and footsteps of your Nabi then it will be easy for you to answer and if you are not following you won't be able to answer so, here is the momin( the one who was believing)  he/she will answer just and he/she will be given a good resting place, the breeze of heaven is released for that person because the goodness of the person engaged in his life and the other person who engaged in bad and did not turn back to Allah(SWT) he/she will say I heard people saying about Nabi, Deen, and Rab but I did not apply it to my life, We heard people reading Quran and hadith but we should not follow.

"Say: Shall I give you glad tidings of things far better than those? For the righteous are Gardens in nearness to their Lord... and the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah's sight are(all) His servants"(3:15)
"Allah will say: This is a day in which the truthful will profit from their truth. Theirs are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath- their eternal home. Allah is well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is the great salvation"(5:119).

"And the day the wrongdoer will bite on his hand(in regret) he will say, 'oh, I wish I had taken with the messenger a way"(25:27).

"Then we will save those who feared ALLAH and leave the wrongdoers within it, on their knees"(19:72)

The journey of a believer soul.

When the believing soul is about to die, Two beautiful angels will come down from the sky, they have got a beautiful face full of light As if their face is the sun itself. They have perfume from the paradise and the have shrouding, A shroud from paradise. And then they Wrap him to place the perfume in him, and the angel of death is there and he says to the soul of the believer come out, come out to pleasure from your Lord. come out to luxury that you are going to receive from your lord. O, beautiful pure soul.
The prophet(SAW) said: The soul of the believer comes out, or the Angel of Death takes if out in this way, "just like the water spilling from a jug. How its spills out? it spills out softly, smoothly, purely, beautifully. There are no obstacles in it coming out."
And the two angels, they don't allow the angle of death to hold it for long at all. For as soon as the can they take the soul off him and they place it in this beautiful shrouding and perfume from Jannah. And the climb up with into the heavens. And ever angle that it passes by they say: "whose beautiful soul it is this? And the angels, who are carrying it say so and so, son of so and so." And they will welcome it until it reaches the first heavens or the first sky. And first, skies have gates. There are angles at the gates of the first sky and the say, who is this soul for? This beautiful soul? And then it's said: They will call by beautiful names. And they ask for the gates to be opened for it. And the gate will be opened and it reaches the second. And every time they will pass by the group of angels they will say the same thing, and welcoming it. 
It reaches the point very high, in some Hadith Allah(SWT) says them, take this soul so it can see its kingdom and its property in heaven.
And by the time the body is prepared for Burial, the soul, Allah(SWT) orders them to return the soul back. He says, takes it back. From the soil we created them, and to it, we will return them, And from it, we will resurrect them once again. Return the soul back to the body. it's going to be questioned in the grave; And they return it into the body. Then two angels will come to them i.e; Munkar and Nakeer.
So, the angels will come and they will wake him up and says, They asked him/her three questions.
1. who is your lord?
2. what is your religion?
3. who is your Nabi?
and the believer soul says my lord is Allah, My religion is Islam, And my Nabi is Muhammad(SAW). And the angels will say to him/her, sleep or rest for what is going to come is going to be better, O beautiful soul. And then he/she is told to look to their left. And a little opening, a gateway is opened, and they see hellfire. Burning itself. And the angles says to him: Look at that and the person in grave moves away, he says that is your place. Allah created that place for you, but, because you choose to obey Allah(SWT) you have saved yourself from that place, you will never go in there, And they close it. Then they open the door from the right. And he sees paradise, And they say to him/her THIS IS WHAT IS WAITING FOR YOU NOW. You have earned it you going there. And as soon as he sees that he/she makes dua " O MY LORD! LET THE WORD END! LET THE WORLD END." so that I can go to my family and my belongings in paradise. I want to go there, please.


