Three things follow a dead person


Prophet said three things follow you when you are dead. Your family, your wealth and your deeds. Two of them returns and one remains.

Your family and wealth will return, but your deeds will remain with you in your grave.

My brothers and sisters, do you not remember that

"Every soul shall taste death?"

Do you not remember that

"To Allah you belong and to Him is your return?"

Then why aren't you praying?

Why aren't you fasting?

Why aren't you giving on charity?

Why aren't you lowering your gaze and guarding your tongue?

Why aren't you refraining yourself from committing and consuming haram?

My sisters, why are you still uncovered?

Why are you doing Tabarruj?

How long will you continue to not repent to Allah?

You know

Death awaits for every single one of us.

It doesn't look at

Our age, our color, our religion, our race or our status.

Death waits for Allah's command

"Ya Allah, do I get his soul or not?"

And the moment Allah gives permission "Khalas, we are caught!"

Subhan Allah, my brothers and sisters, what makes us think that we are so special that we can escape death?

What makes us think that we won't die?

Wallahi, my brothers and sisters, Wallahi

The Angel of Death, too die.

So let this serve as a reminder for you and me to Reflect upon our eds and rectify them.

Let today be the day we turn to Allah in repentence before we

Return back to him
