why music is Haram in Islam?


We live in a society where we can see everyone is enjoying the music but have you observe how music controls us or rather I can say how it makes us feel we are all alone and that's not true, we are never alone we have the Almighty Allah with us. 
The question is why music is haram everyone likes music everyone enjoys it and being cheerful through that but it is haram why? to know the ruling on over something we have to go back to the Quran and to the sunnah, but if we go to the sunnah the most authentic Sahih al-Bukhari the prophet(saw) tells us there will be people of my ummah making haram things halal and they would make adultery, they would make sins, they would make ensuing intoxicants AND Music instruments halal.
The prophet says that four things that there will come who will make haram things halal. so the prophet told us the music is haram.

If you take a look at music today's beat is completely different its dirty, flirty, filthy,  horrible, terrible, domain of pornography, nudity, vulgarity. it encourages us to move our body and we get shaken by the music. Most of the songs lyrics talk about the body, talk about love, talk about eyes, talk about fantasy, and provokes you to get gf/bf that is totally wrong, teach you to gaze opposite gender, tells you to forget your haya, ... music pulls you towards adultery, fornication, disobedience toward the world that exists after our death, music made the whole world sinful. 

Music takes the person away from the remembrance of Allah. It makes us feel sad, makes us depressed, makes us beat ourselves, makes us cry,  makes us feel alone, makes us feel anxious, makes us feel some time anger, and whatnot. Music not only affects us mentally but emotionally and spiritually too. We want to listen to music over and over again and again and want to feel sad by listening to it.  
It moves us from reality and we imagine certain things that are not real. The words of music take you away from Allah. 

Music is a kind of thing that makes you feel low that makes you feel that you are in love and it makes you imagine a person who betrays you and who left you, it makes you imagine things that do not even exist. It controls you and gives you a feeling of need, it makes you feel that you can't live without certain things.

Do you know some singers get possessed to sing so well and not get tired? Did you know that they put spells in the songs? that's why now people are crazy about music it's not just a kill time it's a religion, between people who cry, scream for a singer. Don't be blind by the music it controls you and your heart.
As a Muslim, we are not doing Hifz of the Quran but doing Hifz of music. We live in a society where people choose music over the Quran and Hadith, they create music as their religion because they think it gives them solace, so what kind of solace it is?  solace of depression? or solace of loneliness? 
No brothers and sisters it's not a solace rather it is a trick of  Satan to make you feel low and take you far away from Allah. How can you let win Satan? 
Satan is a greatest deceiver and ".. indeed, he is a clear enemy.."(Quran 2:208)
He manipulates us with all his means. He tries to make you believe that there is no god. He makes you believe that Allah will not help you. Allah will not forgive you and whatnot. This is his way to manipulates us. Not only this but also- he made people of Banu Israel believe Moses as a magician; he fooled Christians to believe that Jesus(PBUH) is the son of God, He misguides people with Idols.
But you are Muslim you will not easily be fooled by him so, he makes you commit Shirk so, that you can easily go in the hellfire, and whoever falls in his traps is going straight to hell by his crooked way.
Reciting the Quran and following the sunnah became difficult for everyone than to recite lyric. The society feels that the one who has an attitude is so cool than the one who has faith in Allah. It does not give importance to Hafiz but gives importance to singers. They want their son/daughter to become a singer or an engineer or a doctor but not a Hafiz of the Quran. Society follows the footprint of Satan but I recommend you follow the most beautiful footsteps of our prophet(SAW).

Let me narrate you one Hadith that In Shaa Allah makes you quit music, the hadith I heard from a scholar "Allah will ask those who didn't hear music in Duniya and ask after each time do you want to hear better than the hoor? Allah will give Dawud as to present his voice then Allah will ask again do want to listen better than this? Then Allah will give Mohammad SAW PBUH to present, and ask the same again... Now the people of Jannah will be confused is there a voice better than Mohammad SAW PBUH.. then it will be represented by Allah(SWT), then Allah again asks do you still want better than this? Then Allah will ask to remove the curtain between the people and Allah(SWT).. and the people who will see Allah(SWT) first will be the one who never LIED, or speak ill.. then Allah says do you want something even great? Everyone will say is there a thing left yet? Then Allah will announce that Allah(SWT) will never be angry at any faults of anyone.. Go everyone is free, and Allah(SWT) will read the Quran, and the voice will roam everywhere, AND EVERY CELL OF EVERYONE WILL WORK AS AN EAR" (SubhanAllah)

My dear brothers and sisters music is not a life it's a trap. So, disconnect everything to connect Allah.