some major sins in Islam



Women imitating men and vice versa.
Not freeing oneself of All traces of Urin.
Breach of faith.
Disbelieving in Destiny.
Listening to people's private conversations.
Cursing others.
A wife's rebellion against Her husband. 
Excess(Transgress) Aginst Others.
Hurting or Raviling Muslims.
Fleeing of the slave.
Slaughtering in other than Allah's Name.
Men Wearing silk and Gold.
The dishonest Judge.
The consumption of Haram.
Despairing of the mercy of Allah and Losing of Hope.
Disparaging the companion of the prophet.
Showing disrespect to one's parents.
Bearing False witness.
Not paying zakat.

Polytheism, Allah says, "Indeed, he who associated others with Allah- Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge in the fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers" (Al- Ma'idah 5:72)

Killing a believer, Allah says, "Whoever kills a believer intentionally- his recompense is hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment." (An- Nisa' 4:93)

Killing in general, Allah says, "... And do not kill the soul which has forbidden[to be killed] except by [legal] right." (Al- An'am 6:151)

Witchcraft, Prophet SAW said, "Avoid the seven major sins:  Polytheism, witchcraft, Killing the self that Allah has prohibited, except by legal right."

Not performing prayers, Prophet SAW said, "The main difference between us and them(the people of the book) is the prayer, so he or she who does not perform is a disbeliever,"

Not giving zakat, Allah says, "...And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah- give them tidings of a painful punishment." (At- Tawbah 9:34) 

Showing ingratitude to one's parents, Prophet SAW said, "May I tell you the about the most heinous sins? "He repeated it three times. They said, yes. He said, "polytheism and showing ingratitude to one's parents.." 

Two Muslims fighting each other, Prophet SAW said, "whenever two Muslims fight each other with swords, both the killer and the killed will be punished in the fire."

Jealousy and hatred, Prophet SAW said, "The disease of the nation before you is creeping towards you: Envy and hatred, it is the HALIQAD. I do not speak of what cuts the hair, but what severs the religion." (Al- Tirmidhi) 

Bribery, Prophet SAW said, "May Allah's curse be upon both the one who offers a bribe and the one who takes it." (AHMED)

Gambling, Allah says, "O you who have believed, Indeed, Intoxicants, gambling(sacrificing on) stone alerts (to other than Allah), and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful." (Al- Ma' idah 5:90)

Robbery, Prophet SAW said, "...and a thief will never commit the act of stealing while he is in a state of perfect faith." 

Adultery, Prophet SAW said, "The adulterer is not to commit adultery while he is in a state o faith."

Drinking Wine, Prophet SAW said, "Allah has imprecated wine, the drinker of it, the one who pours it, the seller, the buyer, the one who squeezes it, and the one for whom it is squeezed, its carrier and the one for whom it is carried and the one who earns from it."

Falsehood, Prophet SAW said, "Falsehood leads to vice and vice leads to fire, and a person persists on telling lies until he is enrolled as a liar."

Arrogance, haughtiness, and conceit, Prophet SAW said, "Whoever has a tiny amount of arrogance will never enter paradise." 

Accusing chaste women of adultery, Allah says, "Indeed, those who[falsely] accuse chastely, unaware and believing women are cursed in this world and hereafter, and they will have a great punishment" (An- Nur 24:23)

Backbiting, While passing by two graves, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "They are being tormented yet not for a grave sin... as for the other he was spreading calumny between people." 

Showing off, Prophet SAW said, "If anyone wants to have his deeds widely publicized, Allah will publicize(his humiliation). And if anyone makes a hypocritical display(of his deeds) Allah will make a display of him." 

Not performing Friday prayer, Prophet SAW said, "If people cease to perform the Friday prayer, Allah will set a seal on their hearts and they will be heedless."

Doing harm to one's neighbor, Prophet SAW said, "He will never enter paradise, whose neighbor is not safe from his heinous acts."
