Tafseer of Surah Al- Fatihah in english



In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Surah Fatihah is also called Fatihat al-Kitab meaning the opening surah in the Mushaf(the written Quran), as well as the opening Surah to be recited in prayer. The surah is also referred to as Umm al- Kitab(the mother of the Book). At- Tirmidhi recorded an authentic hadith from Abu Hurarirah in which he said that the messenger of Allah said, "AL- HAMDULILLAHI RABBIL- ALAMIN is the mother of the Quran, the Mother of the Book, and the seven repeaed ayat(Ayahs) of the Glorious Quran."

There is no disagreement that Al- Fatiha comprises of  seven Ayahs. However, disagreement exist over whether the basmalah(in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful) is a separate Ayah, or art of n Ayah or not an Ayah at all.

"IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL," The companions started the Quran with this formula, the basmalah. It is recommended to start all actions and sayings with it, such as ablution, slaughtering animals for food, eating and even sexual intercourse. 

There are two acceptable views that the preposition ba' in bismillah( 'in' the nae of Allah) is attached eiher to an implied noun or to an implied verb. Both views are supported by evidence from the Quran. Those who linked the preposition ba' to a noun believe it to be bismillahi btida'(my opening tarts 'with' the name of ALLAH) and those who linked it to an impplied verb said it reads abda' bismillah(I begin or began 'with' the name of ALLAH). Whatever the elliptical by uttering bismilah is ordained for all Muslim so that they may attain its blessings, express their hope to have their actions comleted and to earn Allah's acceptance.

"ALLAH" is a name of god, the Exalted. It was said that it is the Greatest Name, because all the other attribute of God can be used as adjectives with it. 

"MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL," Al-Rahman(most Gracious) and Al-Rahim(Most merciful) are two hyperboles derived from the word RAHMA(mercy), but the first hyperbole is more intense in meaning than the second.

"[ALL] PRAISE IS[DUE] TO ALLAH, LORD OF THE WORLDS." Al-hamdu lillah' means praise and thanks are due to Allah alone, not to whoever is worshipped other than Him.

"RABBIL-ALAMIN" the Rabb(Lord) is the owner who has full authority over his property; al-alamin(the worlds) signifies all the various kinds of creatures on land and in the sea, whether known to us or not.

"MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL" has been explained earlier.

"SOVEREIGN OF THE DAY OF RECOMPENSE" mentioning Allah's sovereignty over the Day of Judgment does not negate his sovereignty over all other things. It has been mentioned previously that He is the lord of all the worlds. The Day of Judgment was only cited here, because on that Day, no one except him alone can ever claim ownership of anything, and no one will dare speak a word without his permission.

"THE DAY OF RECOMPENSE" refers to the Day of Resurrection, on which all creatures will be called to account.

"IT IS YOU WE WORSHIP." (iyyaka na'budu) means we worship no God but you alone, we rely on no one but you alone. This is the most refect form of obedience to Allah and the entire religion is grounded on these two principles; 

"AND YOU WE ASK FOR HELP" By this statement(Wa'iyyaka nasta'in), We admit that we have no strength or power. We ask you to help us, show due obedience to you, and appeal to you help us in all our affairs.

"GUIDE US" Gudiance here connote showing servants the right path and leading them to success. We ask Allah to clearly direct us, crown our efforts with ssuccess and grant us of His provision and all good.

"TO THE STRAIGHT PATH"(al-sirat al-mustaim) means the straight path that is very obvious without any misleading branches. 

"THE PATH OF THOSE UPON WHOM YOU HAVE BESTOWED FAVOR."the statement explain the meaning of 'the straight path. IBN ABBAS said, 'it is the path of those upon whom you have bestowed your grace, whom you have favoured to stand in obedience and worship to you, of the angels, prophets, the steadfast in truth, martyrs and the righteous." 

"NOT OF THOSE WHO HAVE EVOKED[YOUR] ANGER,"  they are people with corrupt intentions who know the truth, but deviate from it willingly. 

"OR OF THOSE WHO ARE ASTRAY" means those who are misguided. They have no knowledge of truth and wander in misguidance, unable to find their way to the straight path.
