Surah Al-fajr Tafseer in English



In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

"BY THE DAWN, AND[BY] TEN NIGHTS," Al-Fajr refers to the early morning. The ten nights are the first ten nights of Dhul- Hajjah.

"AND[BY] THE EVEN[NUMBER] AND THE ODD" AL-Watr(i.e. Somethinng that is odd-Numbered) refers to the Day of 'Arafah, Since it is the 9th of the month of Dhul-Hajjah, whereas AL-SHAF(even-numbered) refers to YAWM AL-NAHR(Day of Sacrifice),  since it is the 10th of the same month.

"AND [BY] THE NIGHT WHEN IT PASSES," meaning the night 'when it disappears.' It can also mean 'if it appears.'

"IS THERE [NOT] IN [ALL] THAT AN OATH[SUFFICIENT] FOR ONE OF PERCEPTION" He who possesses good reasoning and religious Knowledge.

"HAVE YOU NOT CONSIDERED HOW YOUR LORD DEALT WITH 'AAD?" they were tyrannical and rebellious. 

"[with] IRAM-WHO HAD LOFTY PILLARS" They Ayah acts as 'atf bayan whch means 'explicative apposition,'  that  shows more clearly who they were. Allah's statement, who had lofty pillars-  conforms to the fact that they used to live in buyout al-sha'r, i.e, house made of animal hair that were raised up upon strong pillars.

"THE LIKES OF WHOM HAD NEVER BEEN CREATED IN THE LAND?" Their trible had no likes in their country for their strength, firmness and hulking figure.

"AND [WITH] THAMUD, WHO CARVED OUT  THE ROCKS IN THE VALLEY?" They used to cut and make shapes with the rocks in the valley.

"AND [WITH] PHARAOH, OWNER OF THE STAKES?" AWTADhere signifies his soldiers who enforced his commands.

"[all of] WHOM OPPRESSED WITHIN THE LANDS, AND INCREASED THEREIN THE CORRUPTION" They were rebellious, steeped in tyranny, and they filled the earth with corruption and harm done to the people.

"SO YOUR LORD POURED UPON THEM A SCOURGE OF PUNISHMENT." Allah poured down upon them a torment from the sky. His punishment of the criminals could not be repelled.

"INDEED, YOUR LORD IS IN OBSERVATION." He watches over His creation in all what they do, and will reward them according to their deeds in the worldy life and in the Hereafter.

"AND AS FOR MAN, WHEN HIS LORD TRIES HIM AND [THUS] IS GENEROUS TO HIM AND FAVOURS HIM, HE SAYS, 'MY LORD HAS HONORED ME'" Allah repudiates man's belief that the abundance of provisions Allah honors him, which is untrue. These bounties are a test.

"BUT WHEN HE TRIES HIM AND RESTRICTS HIS PROVISION, HE SAYS, 'MY LORD HAS HUMILIATED ME'" On the other hand, if Allah puts man through trials and narrows his provision, he thinks that Allah humiliates him. Allah says, "NO!" Neither claims are true. The real criterion is obedience to Allah in both situations, in that if he is rich he should thank Allah, and if poor he must have patience.

"BUT YOU DO NOT HONOR THE ORPHAN." The Ayat implies a command that orphans should be honored.

"AND YOU DO NOT ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER TO FEED THE POOR" Men do not urge one another to show kindness to the poor and the needy.

"AND YOU CONSUME INHERITANCEE, DEVOURING [IT] ALTOGETHER." Whether it comes through lawful or unlawful means. 

"AND YOU LOVE WEALTH WITH IMMENSE LOVE." i.e. you passionately love it.

"No!"  [truly] "WHEN THE EARTH HAS BEEN LEVELED- POUNDED AND CRUSHED," meaning when the earth is flattened and the mountains are made even.

"AND YOUR LORD HAS COME AND THE ANGELS, RANK UPON RANK." Allah, the Exalted, will come to judge between His creatures as He wills, and the angels will line up in rows.

"AND BROUGHT [WITHIN VIEW], THAT DAY, IS HELL" Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said, "Hell will be brought on near that day and it will have seventy thousand leashes, and each leash will have seventy thousand angels pulling it" 

"THAT DAY, MAN WILL REMEMBER." Man will rmember all what he did in his far and recent past;

"BUT WHAT GOOD TO HIM BR THE REMEMBRANCE?" How can remembrance be of any use for him at this point?

HE WILL SAY, 'OH, I WISH I HAD SENT AHEAD [SOME GOOD] FOR MY LIFE'" if he was disobedient, he will reget th sins he had commited, and if he waas an obedient person he will wish if he had performed more of the righteous deeds.

"SO ON THAT DAY, NONE WILL PUNISH[AS SEVERELY] AS HIS PUNISHMENT." No one is punished more severly than he whom Allah punishes for disobeying Him.

"AND NONE WILL BIND[AS SEVERELY] AS HIS BINDING [OF THE EVILDOERS]" No one is bound tighter than he whom AL-ZABANIYAH(angels of torment) bind for disbelieving in their Lord. It will be said to the pure, tranquil soul that is firm in the truth,

"TO THE RIGHTEOUS IT WILL BE SAID], 'O REASSURED SOUL, RETURN TO YOR LORD.'" come back to the company of your Lord and to the reward He has prepared for His servents in Paradise;  well pleased pleased in itself; 

"AND PLEASING[TO HIM]" Pleased with Allah and Allah pleased with it and makes it well-saatisied.


"AND ENTER MY PARADISE" This will be said to the soul at the time of its death and on the Day of Resurrection.
