Hadith on not to cut hair and nail during Dhul Hajj.


It is reported by Umm Salama that Allah's Messenger(PBUH) said:
        "when the first ten days of Dhul Hajj starts and a person wants to sacrifice an animal, he should not take or cut anything from his hair or nail."

Some of the scholars, and imams of Hadith, in particular, said that according to this Hadith
     " It is forbidden to cut one's nails or hair for those who want to offer a sacrifice when the first ten days of Dhul Hajj start."
Some scholar has said that the Hadith doesn't indicate that this is prohibited but is rather disliked, but the question is here WHY.? they said that this Hadith contradicts the Hadith of Ayesha(RA).then what is the Hadith of Ayesha(RA).?
Ayesha says that the Prophet(PBUH) used to send a sacrificial animal to Makkah in other than Hajj, that is, while he was not performing Hajj, and this would not prohibit him of anything that Allah has permitted him to do, that is, he would not refrain from removing anything from his hair or nails.
so, the scholar says that the Hadith of Ayesha moves the Hadith of Umm Salama from prohibiting to disliking.
Another group of scholars says that it is neither forbidden nor disliked. This is the view of the Hanafis.

when the nail is a little bit broken accidentally be no worry about it.
ANYTHING THAT IS UNINTENTIONAL IS OVERLOOKED additional there seems to be no prohibition whatsoever for a gentleman combing for men and for women the prohibition was halk (i.e, to cut and i.e, to shave). there seems to be no prohibition for combing therefore if you do come and a hair or two falls off this is not halk.