Erase your sadness by reading this Ayat.


→Ayat on strength.

If you think you have lost your strength by facing Storms of your life never forget this ayat.  

→Ayat on removing loneliness

If you think you are all alone then remember Allah(SWT) is always with you.

→Ayat on guidance 

If you think you are lost and feel no one is there for you to guide
then do remember this Ayat.

→Ayat on Cure

If you feel your sickness can't be healed then read this ayat

→Ayat on protection

we often think that we are not being protected but why do we need protection from this world. We have to remember that Allah is sufficient for us.

→Ayat on forgiveness

you wanna erase your sins then call upon Allah and ask for His forgiveness

→Ayat on handling hardship

remember this ayat when you can't handle yourself in your hardship

→Ayat on trust
To Allah alone, we can trust.
