The eight gates of Jannah,Apartments in jannah,the rivers of Jannah.


They are 8 gates of Jannah.
  1. Baab As-Salaat
  2. Baab Al-Jihad
  3. Baab As-Sadaqah
  4. Baab Ar-Rayyaan
  5. Baab Al-Hajj
  6. Baab Al-Kaazimeen
  7. Baab Al-Iman
  8. Baab Al-Dhikr

→Baab As-Salaat: this gate allows people to enter paradise who were punctual in their prayers.
Allah promised great rewards for those who prayed with sincerity and faith and this gate will be the fulfillment of this promise.

→Baab AL-Jihad: this gate allows people to enter paradise who have sacrificed their lives in the way of Islam through Jihad.

→Baab As-sadaqah: this gate allows people to enter paradise who was charitable and gave sadaqah in the way of Allah.

→Baab Ar-Rayyan:  this gate allows people to enter paradise who kept their fast with sincerity and to attain the blessing of Allah.

→Baab Al-Hajj: this gate allows people to enter paradise who observe the Hajj pilgrimage.

→Baab Al-Kaazimeen: this gate allows people to enter paradise who were able to control and suppress their anger and were forgiving towards their brethren.

→Baab Al-Iman: this gate allows people to enter paradise who steadfast in their faith in Allah and trusted his decisions for them and lived a life that was a fulfillment of his commands.

→Baab Al-Dikhr: this gate allows people to enter paradise who constantly remember Allah and did Dikhr.

Appartments in paradise?

so to whom you think the apartment is for?
It was Narrated by Ali(RA) that the messenger of Allah(SWT) said: " Indeed in PARADISE there are apartments, whose outside can be seen from their inside, and there can be seen from their outside. 
"A bedouin stood and said: 'who are they for, O Messenger of Allah(SWT)?
He(SAW) said: "For those who speak well, feed others, fast regularly, and perform salat(for Allah) during the night while the people sleep" (Reference:  Jami' at-Tirmidhi, vol.4)

The rivers of Jannah.

Abu Hurairah(RA) reported that the prophet(SAW) said: "The Saihaan, Jaihaan, Euphrates and Nile are all among the rivers of Jannah." (Muslim)

"As for the righteous, they will be in the midst of gardens and rivers, in and assembly of truth, in the presence of a sovereign Omnipotent." (Surah al-Qamar 54:54-55)

"(Here is) A parable of the garden which the righteous are promised. In it are rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine, delicious to those who drink; and rivers of honey, pure and clear. 
In it, there are for them all kinds of fruit and forgiveness from their Lord, Can those in such bliss be compared to such as shall dwell forever in the fire?
Those who shall be given boiling water to drink, it will be so hot that it cut up their bowels to pieces."
(Surah Muhammad 47:15)

"Verily, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. While those who reject Allah will enjoy(this world) and eat as cattle eat, The fire will be their abode." (Surah Muhammad 47:12)

